Author Archives: thinkcreateart

What is your artist creating?


3rd Grade- Chuck Close Design Portraits
4th Grade- Relief Prints and Soap Carving
5th Grade- Dry Brush Painting Portraits

So far….so amazing! It is incredible to see the reaction each student has to the art projects. They are starting very realistic looking but end up being abstract so it is quite a transformation from each artist. Pictures of the process will be coming soon! It is awesome to have art with each student once a week 🙂

Collage Still-Life-5th Grade


After discussing organic and geometric shapes, fifth graders used different materials to create a collage. Then they drew a still-life on top of the collage with a black sharpie. This process created great contrast. Using watercolors, students painted their still-life using warm and cool colors. The different materials created wonderful texture and gave the realistic drawing of a still-life a very abstract look. This was a great project to kick off the year!

Artist Trading Cards


What a great first week of school. The art room is already in full swing! 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders created Artist Trading Cards (ATC) and a personalized booklet to hold them. The first subject was “what is art?” On the back of the card, they answered the question and on the front they created their definition of art! Here are some wonderful examples of ATC.

"Creativity Takes Courage"


Tomorrow is the first day of school in Rocky River! I am so thrilled to begin teaching at Kensington. It is always so exciting to see new faces, get into a routine, and start creating right away! This is going to be a fantastic year. Henri Matisse is the artist of the month in my classroom. His inspiring quote, “Creativity takes courage” is hanging in the hallway, welcoming each student this week. I am going to be thinking of this quote throughout the school year. It inspires, challenges, and encourages new ideas and welcomes creative processes. It provides a boost of confidence in ones artwork and thoughts. Each class will have the opportunity to discuss what this quote means to them. I can’t wait to hear what they have to say! What does it mean to you?

New school; New city; New ideas!


WOW! The summer has flown by! Here is a quick update on the blog change. I just moved back home to Cleveland, Ohio to be closer to my family. YAY! I’m very happy! It happened so fast (I’m talking 3 days fast!!!) but it was well worth this amazing opportunity. I am the new “full time 1 year art sub” at Kensington Intermediate School in Rocky River. KIS just happens to be my old school- way back in the day! Teaching there is going to be so incredible. There are so many familiar faces around. My youngest cousin, Elaina, is going to be a 4th grader there- how cool is that? I have been busy working on my new classroom, getting lesson plans ready, and adjusting to living in a new city. (Ok so not NEW city but it’s been 3 years! Usually Cleveland is my vacation spot…haha.) This is quite a transition but I couldn’t be happier! Looking forward to a new amazing school year filled with a lot of new and exciting adventures and ideas! Happy school days 🙂

What is ART?


This was one of my favorite classroom boards ever created in my classroom. When finished reviewing art room expectations on the first day of school, students had time to tell me what art means to them! “Art is everywhere!”; “Art is in nature”; “Art is getting messy with paint”…a few examples of what some students created. What do you think? What do you think ART is?

Long Lost Art Lessons…(last week of school)


During the last week of school, K and first grade students used crapas to create beautiful ice cream sundaes in honor of summer. The blending made them look realistic and delicious! Second graders created “dream worlds” using recycled large paper and crapas, markers, colored pencils, and/or crayons (last day of art class 🙂 Candy and chocolate worlds to “sport-land” and a world with a butterfly tree and bubbles for furniture, each picture and idea were amazing and incredibly creative! I loved the passion each student had about their dream world. Third grade students reviewed Picasso’s art and created realistic and abstract faces. They had so much fun with the abstract side! Lastly, the upper levels wrote a sentance or phrase using block letters creating positive and negative space. It was great practice! The designs created were also wonderful. I’m glad I found the last week of lessons before the first day of school….:)