Author Archives: thinkcreateart

Emphasis in Art- 4th Grade


After discussing emphasis in art, 4th grade students created interesting lines. Emphasis was created by the use of bold colors. It really pops out of the paper! Repetition was created by using more than one color, which also helps the line stand out. The designs in the background are awesome and will be used throughout the year.

Day of the Dead


Friday was such a fun day at Kensington! With the Halloween parade in the afternoon and trick-or-treat on Saturday, the kids were BANANAS all day!!! 🙂 3rd grade students got into the season by creating Day of the Dead inspired skull heads! Day of the Dead is a special Mexican holiday that celebrates the lives of family and friends that have passed away. The skulls focus on symmetry and design. Each skull turned out unique, colorful, and perfect for the fun weekend!!

Walking Labyrinth


A Walking Labyrinth is a continuous circular path that has no dead ends. Different from a maze, a labyrinth has only one path (the same entrance and exit.) This is an activity that combines controled movement with focused concentration. There are so many connections from art and fitness to math, social studies, and scince- this would be an incredible adventure to take on! Do you think Kensington has a future Walking Labyrinth?

Dry Brush Portraits- 5th Grade


The beginning of using the dry brush painting technique on realistically drawn self-portraits is in the works! Fifth grade students confidently drew a self-portrait with pencil on large paper. When the painting process was introduced, many students were shocked yet excited to paint in an abstract style with bright colors! Here is a look at the painting process so far. They are awesome so far!

Soap Carving Process- 4th Grade


Fourth grade students are using Ivory soap to make interesting sculptures. Creating negative space and adding texture were some guidelines for this process. Changing each side of the soap was the number one goal. Each student started with a sketch of what they wanted to carve, but working with a 3D medium is quite different, so most of the sculptures changed a lot! The students are enjoying the process and truly making soap look like marble or stone. Here is a look at a few sculptures so far.

Chuck Close Inspired Art


Third grade students have been creating amazing designs inside a self-portrait. After drawing the portrait, they made 12 lines inside the face. In each section, an original design was created with a black permanent marker. “Patterns that are small and close together” is what each student kept in mind while making their designs. Although Chuck Close uses painting, photography, and printmaking techniques in his artwork, the attention to design can be applied in all forms of art. Take a look to see the inspiration Chuck Close gave to third graders for the design portraits at